SWOT Analysis

SWOT for Websites

You have a Marketing Strategy for your website but have you done your SWOT Analysis yet?


A Simple SWOT Analysis of your website that can tell you what else you need to do to succeed in your Marketing Strategy. You can do this yourself also and get some useful insights that were ignored and were always the weaknesses on the website. Learn More about what to expect on a SWOT Analysis for Websites on this article.

Strengths of a Website

Strengths as per SWOT Analysis will cover many aspects which are related to business internals also, starting with the fact that you have considered an analysis means that you do believe that there are issues with the website that need attention. This realization in itself is in S area of SWOT because many businesses do not believe that there are issues they need to attend.

SWOT Analysis will have the website user at the center of this complete exercise and will start with the Customer Experience on website by following the complete Customer Journey Map from being an Anonymous Visitor on the website, then becoming a Lead/Prospect followed by Opportunity  and finally a Conversion that makes him a “Customer”.

User Experience





Review the complete Customer Journey on your website and get you valuable insights about improvements that bring conversions

Abandoned Carts

Identifying the reasons for abandoned carts and suggesting solutions for follow-ups and improved conversions

Expert Opinion

Review the complete website as per the Industry Standards and suggest you the correct tools to improve the bottomline. Period.